Results for 'Sergio E. Chaigneau'

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  1.  42
    Creators’ intentions bias judgments of function independently from causal inferences.Sergio E. Chaigneau, Ramón D. Castillo & Luis Martínez - 2008 - Cognition 109 (1):123-132.
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    The Proper Function of Artifacts: Intentions, Conventions and Causal Inferences.Sergio E. Chaigneau & Guillermo Puebla - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (3):391-406.
    Designers’ intentions are important for determining an artifact’s proper function (i.e., its perceived real function). However, there are disagreements regarding why. In one view, people reason causally about artifacts’ functional outcomes, and designers’ intended functions become important to the extent that they allow inferring outcomes. In another view, people use knowledge of designers’ intentions to determine proper functions, but this is unrelated to causal reasoning, having perhaps to do with intentional or social forms of reasoning (e.g., authority). Regarding these latter (...)
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  3.  27
    A Context‐Dependent Bayesian Account for Causal‐Based Categorization.Nicolás Marchant, Tadeg Quillien & Sergio E. Chaigneau - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13240.
    The causal view of categories assumes that categories are represented by features and their causal relations. To study the effect of causal knowledge on categorization, researchers have used Bayesian causal models. Within that framework, categorization may be viewed as dependent on a likelihood computation (i.e., the likelihood of an exemplar with a certain combination of features, given the category's causal model) or as a posterior computation (i.e., the probability that the exemplar belongs to the category, given its features). Across three (...)
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    Inference and coherence in causal-based artifact categorization.Guillermo Puebla & Sergio E. Chaigneau - 2014 - Cognition 130 (1):50-65.
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    Language Processing Differences Between Blind and Sighted Individuals and the Abstract Versus Concrete Concept Difference.Enrique Canessa, Sergio E. Chaigneau & Sebastián Moreno - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13044.
    In the property listing task (PLT), participants are asked to list properties for a concept (e.g., for the concept dog, “barks,” and “is a pet” may be produced). In conceptual property norming (CPNs) studies, participants are asked to list properties for large sets of concepts. Here, we use a mathematical model of the property listing process to explore two longstanding issues: characterizing the difference between concrete and abstract concepts, and characterizing semantic knowledge in the blind versus sighted population. When we (...)
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  7. Modo y hermenéutica en la Ethnia de Spinoza. Una lectura conversa.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (108):11-47.
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    La soledad, el miedo a la soledad y la democracia.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 50:25-42.
    La soledad condensa tanto una esperanza de vivir según su propio criterio, como el miedo de no poder defenderse. Se trata de una condición que está en los márgenes de la constitución de una sociedad. Este modo de aislamiento del individuo permite pensar el conflicto y la polarización en la democracia. El texto analiza las concepciones de soledad en la filosofía de Spinoza para alcanzar un análisis de la utilidad. La fortaleza de ánimo, virtud y condición del ánimo que corresponde (...)
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  9.  28
    La memoria y sus representaciones en Spinoza.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2016 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 10:161-177.
    This paper studies the concept of memory as understood in Spinoza’s body of work, focusing mainly on E 2P18. The main features of memory’s functioning are explained across three conceptual axes: affectio, vestigium and concatenation. These shape Spinoza’s own argumentation in the cited proposition and also recall Aristotle’s theory on memory’s function and functioning. The link between both theories helps transversely to elucidate Spinoza’s position regarding the problem of the identity of the individual.
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  10. Afectos, tiempos e intensidades en la Ética en Spinoza.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 48 (123):97-105.
    Presenta a grandes rasgos su tesis doctoral. Dentro del marco de la teoría de los afectos, Spinoza sostiene una tesis sobre la alienación a partir de la imaginación y del tiempo, para ello produce una teoría del tiempo y, fundamentalmente, una teoría de las intensidades que sirve para explicar la ilusión.
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  11. Sociabilidad, intercambio y transgresión.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 42 (106):119-131.
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  12. Presentación deSeducción etnográfica: Transferencia y resistencia en diálogos sobre terror y violencia en la Argentina', de Antonius CGM Robben.Sergio E. Visacovsky - 2011 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 1:15 - 3.
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  13. La erótica en cuanto representación estética. La historia del Ojo de Georges Bataille.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2003 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41 (104):39-50.
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  14. La retórica de Kant 1. Claridad y ejemplaridad.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (108):153-157.
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    Pufendorf y Spinoza. Inmanencia y derecho.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2012 - In Francisco José Martínez (ed.), Spinoza en su siglo. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. pp. 163--180.
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    Systematic Assessment of Research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Mercury Reveals Conflicts of Interest and the Need for Transparency in Autism Research.Mark R. Geier, Boyd E. Haley, Carmen G. Chaigneau, Geir Bjørklund, James M. Love, Brian S. Hooker, Lisa K. Sykes, Richard C. Deth, David A. Geier & Janet K. Kern - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1691-1718.
    Historically, entities with a vested interest in a product that critics have suggested is harmful have consistently used research to back their claims that the product is safe. Prominent examples are: tobacco, lead, bisphenol A, and atrazine. Research literature indicates that about 80–90% of studies with industry affiliation found no harm from the product, while only about 10–20% of studies without industry affiliation found no harm. In parallel to other historical debates, recent studies examining a possible relationship between mercury exposure (...)
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  17. Instante y Máscara. Vattimo, intérprete de Nietzsche.Sergio E. Rojas Peralta - 2007 - A Parte Rei 54:13.
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  18. Part III-Extended Abstracts for Posters and Demos-Data, Information, and Knowledge Management-Continuous Authentication by Keystroke Dynamics Using Committee Machines.Sergio Roberto de Litna-E.-Silva Filho & Mauro Roisenberg - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 686-687.
  19.  43
    Language Acquisition and EcoDevo Processes: The Case of the Lexicon-Syntax Interface.Sergio Balari, Guillermo Lorenzo & Sonia E. Sultan - 2020 - Biological Theory 15 (3):148-160.
    Ecological developmental biology considers the phenotype as actively produced through an environmentally informed process of individual development, rather than predetermined by the genotype. Accordingly, the genotype is viewed as one among many interactants that contribute formative elements; it is understood to do so no differently from the way other organism-internal and environmental resources do. Although the EcoDevo approach is evidently particularly apt to inform approaches to human development, which mostly takes shape in rich cultural environments, it is remarkable that, at (...)
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  20.  53
    Parcellation of the cingulate cortex at rest and during tasks: a meta-analytic clustering and experimental study.Diana M. E. Torta, Tommaso Costa, Sergio Duca, Peter T. Fox & Franco Cauda - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  21. Libros reseñado: Colombia: democracia y paz. Editor: Alfonso Monsalve Solorzano.Paula Cristina Mira, Sergio B. Muñoz & Andrés E. Saldarriaga - 2005 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 31:149-153.
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    Dialética E analogia na paidéia platônica.Sérgio A. Sardi - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (4):923-929.
    A analogia, enquanto procedimento metodológico da dialética platônica, estabelece uma relação entre paidéia e dialética ascendente. O presente estudo limita-se ao diálogo Ménon e visa, ainda, articular a relação entre este diálogo e o conjunto de obra de Platão no que concerne à relação entre analogia e dialética.
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    A formal analysis of the standard operating processes (SOP) and multiple time scales (MTS) theories of habituation.Orlando E. Jorquera, Osvaldo M. Farfán, Sergio N. Galarce, Natalia A. Cancino, Pablo D. Matamala & Edgar H. Vogel - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
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    Ontologia e fenomenologia del giuridico: studi in onore di Sergio Cotta.Francesco D'agostino & Sergio Cotta - 1995 - Giappichelli.
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    Analytic Philosophy Without Naturalism.Antonella Corradini, Sergio Galvan & E. J. Lowe (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    In recent years numerous attempts have been made by analytic philosophers to _naturalize _various different domains of philosophical inquiry. All of these attempts have had the common goal of rendering these areas of philosophy amenable to empirical methods, with the intention of securing for them the supposedly objective status and broad intellectual appeal currently associated with such approaches. This volume brings together internationally recognised analytic philosophers, including Alvin Plantinga, Peter van Inwagen and Robert Audi, to question the project of naturalism. (...)
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  26.  13
    Ovidio E la preconoscenza Della critica qualche generalizzazione a partire da heroides 14.Sergio Casali - 1998 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 142 (1):94-113.
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  27.  5
    Giustificazione e obbligatorietà delle norme.Sergio Cotta - 1981 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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  28.  32
    Filosofia e scienze umane nell’età dei lumi.Sergio Moravia - 1984 - New Vico Studies 2:155-155.
  29.  6
    Anything goes?: una teoria anarchica dell'epistemologia e dell'argomentazione ragionevole.Sergio Novani - 2013 - Napoli: Loffredo editore.
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  30.  16
    Da dialética do admirar E do perguntar.Sérgio A. Sardi - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (4):931-936.
    O texto visa contribuir, por um lado, à investigação acerca dos processos psicológicos, aos níveis subjetivo, lógico e intersubjetivo, inerentes a uma postura filosofante, remetendo a considerações metodológicas com relação ao ensino de Filosofia. Por outro, visa questionar a relação entre o filosofar e a História da Filosofia, visando à conexão entre o diálogo filosófico e o diálogo com a História da Filosofia.
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  31. Genesi e sviluppo della filosofia di Maurice Blondel.Sergio Cialdi - 1973 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    Etica e religione nel "primo Wittgenstein".Sergio Marini - 1989 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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    Etica e biocoltura: la bioetica filosofica e l'agricoltura geneticamente modificata.Sergio Bartolommei - 2003 - Pisa: ETS.
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  34.  38
    Retracted article: Systematic assessment of research on autism spectrum disorder and mercury reveals conflicts of interest and the need for transparency in autism research.Janet K. Kern, David A. Geier, Richard C. Deth, Lisa K. Sykes, Brian S. Hooker, James M. Love, Geir Bjørklund, Carmen G. Chaigneau, Boyd E. Haley & Mark R. Geier - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1689-1690.
    Historically, entities with a vested interest in a product that critics have suggested is harmful have consistently used research to back their claims that the product is safe. Prominent examples are: tobacco, lead, bisphenol A, and atrazine. Research literature indicates that about 80–90 % of studies with industry affiliation found no harm from the product, while only about 10–20 % of studies without industry affiliation found no harm. In parallel to other historical debates, recent studies examining a possible relationship between (...)
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  35.  26
    Gödel, percepção racional e compreensão de conceitos.Sérgio Schultz - 2014 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 40 (1):47-65.
    Nosso objetivo neste artigo é o de lançar luz sobre alguns aspectos das concepções de Gödel acerca da percepção de conceitos. Começamos investigando a natureza e o papel da analogia entre percepção sensível e percepção de conceitos. A seguir, examinamos as conexões entre percepção de conceitos, razão e compreensão, tentando mostrar que a percepção de conceitos é compreensão de conceitos. Por fim, examinamos aqueles aspectos da concepção de Gödel em que a percepção de conceitos de fato se aproxima perigosamente da (...)
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    Anarchismo e psicologia del profondo: il fondamento ontologico dell'egualitarismo.Sergio Starace - 2013 - [Dogliani]: Sensibili alle foglie.
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  37.  23
    Entre a bomba e o traque: poesia brasileira pós junho de 2013.Sergio Bento - 2021 - Aisthesis 70:567-589.
    As jornadas de junho de 2013 se constituíram espontaneamente nas ruas de todo o Brasil, iniciando uma era de intensa polarização política e gerando todo um legado social e cultural nos anos seguintes. O objetivo do presente artigo é compreender e analisar o cenário da poesia nacional desde então, buscando rastros daqueles acontecimentos nos poemas recentemente produzidos. Para tal, buscou-se aprofundar dois universos poéticos distintos e muito pouco relacionados: o slam e a chamada “poesia tradicional”, a partir da leitura de (...)
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  38. Legge e sicurezza.Sergio Cotta - 2007 - Etica E Politica 9 (2):109-120.
    Starting from the analysis of the first book of De libero arbitrio, the Italian philosopher Sergio Cotta explores the relationship between law, morality and safety in Augustine’s thought. According to Cotta, Lib. arb. I contains implicitly a complete typology of the four normative judgments used in jurisprudence, philosophy of law and legal science: judgments of legality; judgments of validity; judgments of purpose; judgments of morality. The analysis of the relationship between these four types of normative judgments allows us to (...)
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  39.  22
    Bayle, Vico e la Cina.Sergio Zoli - 1987 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 17:237-252.
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    Use of Data Mining to Determine Usage Patterns of an Online Evaluation Platform During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Rafael E. Reigal, José Luis Pastrana-Brincones, Sergio Luis González-Ruiz, Antonio Hernández-Mendo, Juan Pablo Morillo-Baro & Verónica Morales-Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  41.  20
    Sobre o uso do conceito de sublimação e suas derivações, a partir da perspectiva estética marcuseana.Sergio Augusto Franco Fernandes - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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  42.  25
    L'etica e la metaetica di Spinoza.Sergio Landucci - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia 92 (3):387-410.
  43.  16
    Diversità e pluralismo nelle teorie post-unitarie dell'ordine.Sergio Dellavalle - 2014 - Società Degli Individui 49:135-151.
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  44. GEORGE EDWARD MOORE, PRINCIPIA ETHICA. Testo inglese a fronte. A cura di Sergio Cremaschi e Massimo Reichlin.Sergio Volodia Cremaschi & Massimo Reichlin - 2023 - Firenze / Milano: Giunti Editore / Bompiani. Translated by Sergio Volodia Cremaschi & Massimo Reichlin.
    A New Italian translation of Principia Ethica coming almost 60 years after the 1964 translation by Gianni Vattimo with Nicola Abbagnano’s preface. The new edition makes room for the English text alongside the Italian translation; it includes the 1922 Preface, a bibliography of Moore’s ethical writings with critical literature, a chronology of Moore’s life and works, and an Index. The Introduction by Sergio Cremaschi reconstructs the background of ideas, concerns and intentions from which Moore’s Principia Ethica originated. It stresses (...)
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  45.  19
    Diagramas e visualizaÇÃo.Sérgio Schultz - 2010 - Manuscrito 33 (2):445-465.
    No presente trabalho discutiremos a tese segundo a qual provas com diagramas são heterogêneas, i. e., envolvem casos de raciocínio visual. Em uma primeira seção, examinaremos o uso informal de diagramas de Venn em provas conjuntistas, procurando determinar em que sentido provas com diagramas seriam heterogêneas. Tais provas su-postamente envolveriam raciocínio visual no sentido em que a validade das inferências dependeria de características visualizáveis dos diagramas e não de regras de derivação. Em uma segunda seção, investigaremos quais seriam os aspectos (...)
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  46.  22
    A democracia como fim e a escola como meio: convergências entre Anísio Teixeira e Paulo Freire.Sérgio César da Fonseca - 2010 - Educação E Filosofia 24 (48):247-272.
    O presente estudo visa esclarecer os pontos de convergência entre Paulo Freire e Anísio Teixeira referentes aos temas da produção da democracia no Brasil de fins da década de 1950. Para tanto, são tomados como fonte os textos de Freire Educação e atualidade brasileira e Educação como prática da liberdade. O cotejo das idéias de Anísio e Freire permite observar importantes convergências entre ambos, quanto ao papel da educação na formação dos hábitos democráticos e da construção da sociedade democrática, por (...)
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  47.  5
    Libertà e azione nell'Etica di Spinoza.Sergio Levi - 2006 - Milano: LED.
  48.  14
    Evidenza e verità nelle Meditazioni.Sergio Landucci - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  49.  28
    Alguns aspectos da relação entre a teoria saussuriana da linguagem E a teoria do significante lacaniano.Sergio Augusto Franco Fernandes - 2008 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 13 (2):85-97.
    A search of elements becomes necessary to facilitate the understanding of the origins of the Lacan´s significant, in the attempt to explain through structural linguistic, the limits of the Saussure´s influence. It is known that the Lacan´s significant, even though has the Saussure´s influence as a reference in epistemology, both “significant” must not be mistaken. It is usually attributed to Ferdinand de Saussure the invention of the theory of the linguistic sign. We will stand out, however, that this “invention” is (...)
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    Verità matematiche e forme della natura da Galileo a Newton.Emilio Sergio - 2006 - Roma: Aracne.
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